Aging is a process that not only effects the face but the hands as well.
Because our hands receive so much exposure it is one of the first place to start showing visible signs of aging.
Natural aging and exposure to sunlight causes this appearance.
- The more common visible signs of aging include darkening spots and precancerous growth
- A loss of fatty tissue also occurs making our hands look bony
Hand Rejuvenation treatments can help restore the hands to a more youthful appearance .
Over time hands can become pigmented with brown spots from sun damage .
Older hands look wrinkled and become bony with more prominent veins and tendons as we loose the fat under skin with age.
Depending on your concern with your hands we can create a treatment plan for best results.
People looking to enhance the appearance of their hands would represent an ideal candidate for hand rejuvenation treatments.
Although reasons vary from person to person the more common include
- Enhancing appearance and boosting self confidence
- Becoming less self confidence about appearance
- Achieving smoother looking skin
- Regaining a more youthful look
Hand rejuvenation is designed for improvement not perfection.
Clients should have realistic goals and expectations for their hand rejuvenation treatments.
Questions clients undergoing hand rejuvenation should ask at consultation
- Are the desired results I described realistic
- How long will treatment take
- How much will it cost
- What should I expect after treatment
- What care do I need to take after treatment
- How many treatments will be needed