10 Tips to help your Well-being during Lockdown

1. Focus on what we can control and manage. 

You cannot control the virus or what happens outside. It might be hard for you to control your thoughts / emotions when you hear the upsetting developments of the outbreak, but you can control how you respond. 

  • Go for a bath 
  • Give your pet a cuddle 
  • Read some positive books 
  • Play with the children 
  • Do some gardening 
  • Tidy up your room 

Focus on the present moment here and now. Control on little things but all little things contribute to the health of your mind and body. 

2. Set up shared goals for the Family. 

Maybe you your family all share anxiety. You can set up small goals for the family. Goals don’t need to be looking what we will do after the outbreak or financial goals Set up goals you can manage NOW!!! 

  • Gardening Goals 
  • Reorganizing the bookshelf 
  • Teach family members a new skill 
  • Develop a shared hobby 

3. Keep yourself active Physically and Mentally 

Yes, lockdown means you cannot swim public pools or go to the gym, but you can do push ups even if you live in a small apartment. 

There are You tube clips for Yoga, dance, Tai Chi and other activities. Set up regular exercise routine for yourself and choose one or two activities which suit your physical capabilities. 

Important to exercise your mind 

  • Reading books E books many are free 
  • Stimulating Movies 
  • Inspiring Talks (Ted Talks) 
  • If you have a musical instrument at home, try learning a new song 

4. Recognise Your Feelings and Thoughts 

Its okay to feel Sad, Angry, and Anxious 

When you notice your emotional distress, you can try to summarise it into short statements 

  • I am angry because my partner does not understand my worries. 
  • I am anxious because of my job 
  • I am sad because of the news 

Sometimes acknowledging your feelings and emotions helps you to externalise the stress and anxiety into clearer thoughts than bottling up this emotional distress in your mind and storing it. When you recognize your feelings / thoughts go back to your present moment. Go back to Tip 1 focus on what you can control and manage. 

5. Identify your Triggers and Signs for possible Mental Health Issues 

It is important to identify signs 

  • Noticing Tightness in your chest 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Unable to sleep / or sleeping to much 
  • Eating to much / or eating too less 
  • Headaches 

Try to identify triggers 

  • Too much negative news 
  • Children Noise 
  • Stressful Emails from employers or your partner nagging 

6. Express Your Emotions in a Happy Way 

Everyone has their own way of coping with Emotional stress. Some ways are more damaging then helpful. 

  • Drugs, Alcohol, online gambling, arguing and violence also create more problems than solutions. 

Develop more coping methods 

  • Keeping daily Diary 
  • Writing a poem or creating Art 

Creativity is a powerful tool for building resilience. 

7. Open about Your Feelings and concerns to Friend and Family 

Setting up Support Systems for each other is beneficial to get through this time together. Talking to others might help you to understand your situation is common with everyone at this time. Talk to your friends and family if you do feel emotional distress. Have a number available if Friends/Family is overwhelmed by negative thoughts. There are people wo can help. 

8. Seek Help through HELPLINES 

9. Give others Love and Care 

Be Kind and caring. Giving help makes us feel happier too. 

Please call Neighbour’s /Friends who need more social connections especially vulnerable elderly or someone that lives alone. Sometimes a warm greeting like How are you Going is very helpful and powerful for people who need more social support. 

10. Remember Five key words 

  • Connected
  • Creative
  • Giving 
  • Learning 
  • Active 

These Five key factors contribute to well-being both physical and mental. All above tips fit into these Five Key words. Most importantly care for yourself and each other. 

Take care stay safe we all will meet again soon 



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